One-way Interaction Sculpture, 2013

OIS consists of a real 60W light bulb and a real light switch as well as their virtual representation on the AOYS website. The real switch and the virtual switch are both working as an undirectional toggle switch: You can only switch it ON in the virtual world via the webinterface and you can only switch it OFF in the real world with a switch which is mounted next to the real light bulb. Thus, only those who are online can switch the lightbulb ON and only those who are on location can switch it OFF again.
In reminiscence to Claude E. Shannon OIS transmits the ON/OFF communication concept of the “ultimate machine“ in the era of “ubiquitous computing” and virtual friendship. The connection of the physical and the virtual world blows up the amount of potential participants on the one hand, meanwhile the channel of communication between those two worlds is minimized to the pure principal of “0 and 1 of the Internet of Things“.
The break through the virtual indicates directly to the future whereas the light bulb points to the foretime. After the termination of the connection the only certainly that still remains is that there had been a real person – right?
Click here to go to the OIS hub page